
Showing posts from September, 2022

Flood Data

 The McCloud river watershed is currently at a relatively stable height of 9.6ft about Shasta Lake. The river is home to a number of damns that currently protect the wildlife and history of the watershed. Shasta Dam specifically block the McCloud river watershed in order to create California's largest reservoir. The reservoir in fact is so large that there have only been a small number of times that it has been full and flooded over the years.  Although this dam has caused quite a controversy over the years in relation to the McCloud watershed. Upon completion in the 1940's, the dam created a flood of the native Winnemem Wintu Tribal land that have relied on the river for centuries. In addition to this, the land was subsequently taken from the tribe by the U.S. Government for its value along with broken promises of returning the land.  Recently, there has been a political rally to raise the dam at Shasta Lake in order to accommodate the size of the ever growing population in Ca

McCloud Watershed Characteristics

Watershed Boundaries

  Above is a McCloud watershed map made by the Sacramento River Watershed Program. The watershed is 800 square miles with an elevation change of 6182 feet. Some significant tributaries include Mud and Tate Creeks! Some towns and cities within the watershed include Pilgrim Creek, where there is a popular snowmobile park that also allows for nordic and downhill skiing in the winter. McCloud is also a small town within the watershed that contains fun activities such as hiking and biking Mt. Shasta. Cited: Sacramento Watershed Program (2022). McCloud River Watershed. 


 Dendrology of the McCloud River Water Shed: Bigleaf Maple Arroyo Willow Ponderosa Pine  California Hazelnut Pacific Yew Western Thimbleberry            Dogwood                  Blackcap Raspberry  Further information on the McCloud River Watershed dendrology.