Flood Data

 The McCloud river watershed is currently at a relatively stable height of 9.6ft about Shasta Lake. The river is home to a number of damns that currently protect the wildlife and history of the watershed. Shasta Dam specifically block the McCloud river watershed in order to create California's largest reservoir. The reservoir in fact is so large that there have only been a small number of times that it has been full and flooded over the years. 

Although this dam has caused quite a controversy over the years in relation to the McCloud watershed. Upon completion in the 1940's, the dam created a flood of the native Winnemem Wintu Tribal land that have relied on the river for centuries. In addition to this, the land was subsequently taken from the tribe by the U.S. Government for its value along with broken promises of returning the land. 

Recently, there has been a political rally to raise the dam at Shasta Lake in order to accommodate the size of the ever growing population in California. Although, raising the lake would flood more than 5,000 acres of forest in the McCloud watershed. Killing and further endangering already struggling wildlife populations in the area including the rare and endangered Shasta salamander and redband trout. 



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